Camera calibration is a major issue in computer stereo vision. Tiny variations of the camera alignment can decalibrate your camera setup, which makes image processing impossible. For a camera setup to function optimally, it should thus be frequently re-calibrated. This, however, is time consuming, and it is often difficult to re-calibrate your cameras if you are in the field.
To ease this burden, we have added a new feature to the latest firmware of our SP1 stereo vision sensor. The new firmware release enables the SP1 to automatically re-calibrate itself. This is done concurrently during normal image processing, and no user interaction is required. A demonstration of this new feature and an explanation of the methods involved, can be found in our new Youtube video.
The new firmware version 1.5.0 is now available from our software download page. This version also fixes several minor bugs that existed in the previous release. Please note that the manual has also been updated in order to cover the new functionality. The new manual is available from our documentation page.