Connect Problem

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Connect Problem

Post by naoyarikiishi »

I am using SceneScanPro and am having trouble finding the device in NVCOM.
(However, I can check the settings from a web browser.)

(I can check the settings from a web browser.) Because of this, I cannot access the device from PythonAPI either.

Vision Software version
 Version 10.5.0 as binaries for Windows
SceneScan Firmware 9.3.1

Can you please tell me the possible causes and countermeasures?
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Re: Connect Problem

Post by k.schauwecker »


is the device detected by NVCom but you cannot connect? Then the most likely cause is the Jumbo Frames configuration. Typically, our devices use Jumbo frames in the default configurations as otherwise you cannot achieve the the full performance. You would need to enable Jumbo Frames in your network settings, or change SceneScans configuration to one without Jumbo Frames (and a lower frame rate).

If NVCom can't detect the device, then the most probable cause is a firewall preventing either the sending of broadcast packets, or blocking the reply by the device to the broadcast message. In that case you could still connect to an IP directly, without the device enumeration (NVCom can do that with the -H command line option).

Best regards,
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Re: Connect Problem

Post by naoyarikiishi »


Thank you for the information.

Currently, I can access the SceneScanPro page in my web browser, but cannot find the device in NVCOM.
I also could not access it by doing nvcom -H IP address.

What I want to do is to use the Python API to control the Trigger signal from the Python code (to control the projector), but when I try to execute the code from Python, the device is not found. In the course of that investigation, I found that NVCOM is also unable to access the device.

OS is Windows 10. I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to set up on Windows.

Best regards,
Naoya Rikiishi
nvcom.PNG (106.34 KiB) Viewed 31894 times
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Re: Connect Problem

Post by k.schauwecker »

Hi Naoya,

I think there are two separate problems:

1. I think Jumbo frames are not enabled. Could you open a command prompt, enter the following command and share the output:

Code: Select all

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterface
In the manual on page 18 you can find instructions on how to enable jumbo frames in Windows. With Jumbo frames enabled, you should be able to connect with NVCom with the -H option

2. The reason why the device discovery isn't working is most likely caused by a firewall. Do you have any type of firewall software installed? Some anti-virus software also includes a firewall. Is there a switch or router between the device and your PC that does include a firewall?

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Re: Connect Problem

Post by naoyarikiishi »


Thank you for the information.

1. I attach the output command.(sorry for the Japanese...).
Thank you also for the manual information.

2.I have no anti-virus software installed on the PC that I cannot connect to, and I have turned off the firewall, but I still cannot connect.

There is a LAN hub between the PC and Nerian, and another PC is connected via the LAN hub, but the other PC is able to connect to Nerian.

Best regards,
Naoya Rikiishi
command_Output.PNG (18.97 KiB) Viewed 31858 times
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Re: Connect Problem

Post by k.schauwecker »


1. According to your screenshot, Jumbo frames are not enabled for the two network interfaces (MTU = 1500 bytes). Could you please follow the instructions from the Manual to enable Jumbo Frames?

2. Is it possible that your PC and SceneScan are in different subnets? In that case the broad-cast messages would likely not be forwarded between the subnets. Is the device detected when connected directly to the PC (without the switch)?

Best regards,
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