System hangs when fetching images from SceneScanPro

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System hangs when fetching images from SceneScanPro

Post by saurabheights »

Hi Konstantin,
I am working with 2 SceneScanPro and using python api of SDK. Below is the code used to fetch device information and image.

Code: Select all

import visiontransfer
import logging
from typing import List, Optional
import open3d
from import PinholeCameraIntrinsic


device_enum = visiontransfer.DeviceEnumeration()
devices: List[visiontransfer.DeviceInfo] = device_enum.discover_devices()

for device in devices:"FPS - {device.get_status().get_last_fps()}")
    camera_serial_id = device.get_ip_address()"Device Info - {device}")"Device {device} is set to work with {device.get_network_protocol()}.")
    params = visiontransfer.DeviceParameters(device)
    transfer = visiontransfer.ImageTransfer(device)
    image_set = transfer.receive()
    rec3d = visiontransfer.Reconstruct3D()
    rgbd = rec3d.create_open3d_rgbd_image(image_set, depth_trunc=7.0, min_disparity=1)
Until yesterday, the code almost always hanged when fetching data for the second camera, however today even single camera is not working. The code hangs on receive call. I have tested the code with AsyncTransfer api as well, but the issue persists. Both cameras are available on firefox and depth data can be seen on preview tab.

Approx 2-3 times, the sdk hangs on param fetch, but this gets fixed on restarting camera.

During my tests, I have made sure to close firefox before running code. This didnt help.

Please let me know if there is any more information needed that might be needed to trouble shoot the issue.
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Re: System hangs when fetching images from SceneScanPro

Post by saurabheights »

Hi, had partial success. The jumbo frames settings got reverted upon restart. I need to further check another issue - only able to fetch one frame using presets with Jumbo frames. Not sure about the cause, but let me reproduce the issue with a bit more analysis on which presets fails.
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Re: System hangs when fetching images from SceneScanPro

Post by k.schauwecker »

Hi Saurabh,

Alright, let me know when you need further help.

Also: when using multiple SceneScans please put considerations into how they are connected. Each SceneScan can produce up to 900 MBits/s traffic on the link. So connecting multiple SceneScans through a single 1 Gigabit Link would not work. Ideally each SceneScan is connected through a dedicated network interface, or though a 10GBit switch.

Best regards,
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:52 pm

Re: System hangs when fetching images from SceneScanPro

Post by saurabheights »

Hi Konstantin, I was about to extract that information from manual, if 1 Gigabit Link would be enough :) . Thank you, I will check if this resolves our issue. Hopefully, it should.
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